Thursday, April 12, 2018

"Star Coordinate Gacha", "Trend Coordinate Gacha", "Spring V Stone Festival" held

Notice of "Star Coordinate Gacha", "Trend Coordinate Gacha", "Spring V Stone Festival" held
2018/4/12 (Thurs) 16: 00
Thank you very much for using "DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation". 

From 4/12 (Thursday) "Star Codecachacha (Tamaki)" · "Trend Coordinate Gacha (Autumn Leaves · Elena)" will be held for a limited time. 
We will hold sales of the "V Stone Set" for a limited time according to the period of "Star Corday Gacha". 

Also, I will explain about "Tamaki Star" which will be added at "Star Codecacha (Tamaki)". * If you click the image, it jumps to each explanation.


■ Trend Coordinate Gacha (Autumn Leaves · Elena)

■ Duration

2018/4/12 (Thursday) after maintenance ~ 2018/4/26 (Thur) 3: 59 

"Trend CODE GACHA ", SSR swimsuit for "autumn leaves" "Crimson slit dress (autumn leaves)" and 
"Elena" The proportion of the dedicated SSR swimwear "Pure White Slit Dress (Elena)" and each girls' SR Swimsuit "Fairy Bouquet" is increasing. (For details on each swimsuit, please check the following.) 

* Swimwear subject to pickup is set higher than the swimsuit of the same rarity of Venus Gacha. 
* SSR Swimsuit "Crimson Slit Dress (Autumn Leaves)" SSR Swimsuit "Pure White Slit Dress (Elena)" Each girls' SR swimming wear "Fairy Bouquet" will be for a limited time only. 
※ This gacha "Fairy Bouquet (Tamaki)" "Fairy Bouquet (Luna)" will not be discharged. 
※ There is a possibility that the limited swimsuit will reappear. Please note. 
※ Specifications such as gacha are subject to change without notice. Please note.

■ "Trend Coordinate Gacha (Autumn leaves / Elena)" limited pickup swimsuit

skill【Intense spike C】
activation probability at attack 45% / power + 50%
skill【Stamina 5 rising from inside】
Stamina consumption - 11%
Only autumn leaves can be worn. 
In the "Festival of Otona Party at the Hanami Party (First Half)" limited festival, special effects will be generated by wearing on Fescode. 
※ For details , please check "Notice of holding" Otona's Ohana Party (first half) " .
※ Parameters are numbers when raised up to the maximum value. 
* By acquiring the skill awakening to the maximum, you can acquire the skill as the potential ability. 

Bromide opened at the time of getting swimming suit is here! 

And if you wake up your skills to the utmost ... ... Another bromide opens!

skill【Feint C striking the back of the back C】
Attacking probability of activation 45% / Technique + 50%
skill【Hidden power 4】
Power + 10%
Only Elena can wear. 
In the "Festival of Otona Party at the Hanami Party (First Half)" limited festival, special effects will be generated by wearing on Fescode. 
※ For details , please check "Notice of holding" Otona's Ohana Party (first half) " .
※ Parameters are numbers when raised up to the maximum value. 
* By acquiring the skill awakening to the maximum, you can acquire the skill as the potential ability. 

Bromide opened at the time of getting swimming suit is here! 

And if you wake up your skills to the utmost ... ... Another bromide opens!

■ Star Coach Gacha (Tamaki)

■ Duration

2018/4/12 (Thursday) 2018/4/26 (Thurs) 3: 59 

SSC swimwear" Noctilca ( TAMARI ) ", SR swimming wear" Fairy bouquet ( TAMARI) "for" TAMARI " "The rate of provision of" Labyrinth of Akiki (Tamaki) "and" Innocence · Passion (Tamaki) "is up. (For details on each swimsuit, please check the following.) In 

addition, you can always obtain 10 "Tamaki Star" as 10 extra gacha extra. 
For details , please confirm about the exclusive use of "Tamaki Star" for SSR swimsuit exchange . 

※ Star Coach Gacha will be only ten consecutive gacha with a paid V Stone. 
※ Swimsuits that are subject to pickup are set higher than Venus Gacha's swimwear of the same rarity. 
* SSR swimsuit "Noctilca (Tamaki)" SR swimsuit "Fairy bouquet (TAMARI)" "Akuru no Labyrinth (TAMARI)" "Innocence · Passion (TAMARI)" will be for a limited time only. It is not included in "SSR bathing suit confirmation ticket gacha" "Venus gacha". However, there is a possibility of adding in the future. Please note. 
※ After the end of Star Coach Gacha, "Tamaki" can not be obtained until "Gacha" which includes "Tamaki only swimsuit" is held. Please note. 
※ "Tamaki" can not be selected as a partner at the beginning of the game. 
※ There is a possibility that the limited swimsuit will reappear. Please note. 
※ Specifications such as gacha are subject to change without notice. Please note.

■ "Star Coach Gacha (Tamaki)" limited pickup swimsuit

skill【Intense spike A】
attack probability when attacking 35% / power + 60%
skill【Hidden power 3】
Power + 10%
Can only be worn by the Tamaki. 
In the "Festival of Otona Party at the Hanami Party (First Half)" limited festival, special effects will be generated by wearing on Fescode. 
※ For details , please check "Notice of holding" Otona's Ohana Party (first half) " .
※ Parameters are numbers when raised up to the maximum value. 
* By acquiring the skill awakening to the maximum, you can acquire the skill as the potential ability. 

Bromide opened at the time of getting swimming suit is here! 

And if you wake up your skills to the utmost ... ... Another bromide opens!

About SSR swimsuit exclusive for Tamaki with "Tamaki Star"

"Tamaki Star" that you can get with bonus "Star Coordinate Gacha (Tamaki)" can be exchanged for Tamari Dedicated SSR Swimwear 1 Clothes at 200 pieces at Event Limited Shop "Tamaki Star Award Redemption Office" .

★ About obtaining 
"Tamaki star" "Tamaki star" is a gacha which appeared in "Star Codecachacha (Tamaki)" of this event "Adult Ohanami Party" and "Tamaki's New SSR Swimsuit" held in May You can get it as a bonus. 
 ※ "Tamagi star" to be acquired at Gacha of both events will be the same item. 
 ※ The "Tamaki Star" obtained this time can continue to be used at next event held in May.
★ About the number of times of 
"Tamaki star" The number of times you can exchange the "Tamaki Star" exclusive SSR swimsuit is one time at each event "Adult Ohanami Party" and "May Event Event". In "Adults' Cherry Blossom Party", "Tamaki Star" can be exchanged for "Noctilca (Tamaki)".
 ※ In the limited-time shop of the May held event, it can not be exchanged for "Noctilca (Tamaki)". 
  You can exchange with "Tsumaki's New SSR Swimsuit" that will appear at the event held in May.
★ About the usage period of 
"Tamaki Star" "Tamaki Star" will be a limited time item. Only during "Adult Ohanami Party" and "May Event held", it is possible to exchange with each item at the limited time shop. 
It is not available after the limited time shop "May Event Event" ends.

■ Limited time! Spring V Stone Festival

As a limited time period "Spring V Stone Festival", we have prepared a great item that you can purchase "V V Stone × 20,000 Items" at "10,000 DMM Points".

■ Duration

2018/4/12 (Thursday) After Maintenance ~ From April 26th 2018 to Thursday 3:59

■ Product lineup

nameProduct contentprice

 "Spring V Stone Festival" set 
 Paid V Stone × 20,000 pieces  10,000 DMM points 
※ Products can be purchased up to five per person within the period .


· Please understand beforehand that the contents and schedule of the event are subject to change without notice.


· Please understand beforehand that the contents and schedule of the event are subject to change without notice. 
· The game screen used within the announcement is under development. 
· Because there is a possibility that a limited-time event, swimwear, accessories, items will reappear, please be forewarned. 

From now on thank you for "DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation".